Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day!

What a wonderful Day! Family, Food, and lots of fun!!! I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have all three children here and the grandchildren as well. A few pictures from today!

Jason and Silvia

Goody and Caitlin


Silvia likes Aunt Grace's gift!

Grace is surprised.

Rachael and Ethan enjoying Thomas the train.

Goody and Silvia

Jason and Ashley and the girls!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


As with most families we have traditions. On Christmas Eve we attend the Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church and then off to Mom and Dad's for dinner and gift giving! I have done this for as long as I can remember. There have been a few years we lived too far to come home, but when possible we are there. Tonight was the same, yet different. My father is recuperating from hernia surgery and He and my Mom could not make the service at the church and He was not feeling up to par. In addition, my Son and his family did not attend, because the felt it was just too much to expect a three year old and twin 3 month olds to sit for 30 minutes.

We all did make it to Mom and Dad's for way too much food, Ethan fell asleep on the way there so he is not in the picture. Caitlin and Silvia were not thrilled to be in the family photo...but we did try. My Sister and her girls have added two new members to the family and next year Heather and Chris will have a new addition of their own. A little boy due in February.

I think it is wonderful; how families grow and expand. Some are by blood, born into our family; others come into our hearts but are family all the same. When I think of Christmas, it is the family gatherings that shine brightly in my mind. I guess I will just add the last of the pictures, those who know me well know I love pictures...

Jason, Rachael and Caitlin

Hey a smile, no funny face!!!!

My little butterballs, Caitlin and Silvia

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Letting Go

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else.

To let go is not to cut myself off, it's the realization that I don't control another.

To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands,

To let go is not to try to change or blame another, I can only change myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but be supportive.

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to all others to affect their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be protective, it is to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to deny but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires but to take each day as it comes and to cherish the moment.

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To let go is not to regret the past but to grow and live for the future.

To let go is to fear less and love more.


Another year older. Wiser? possibly, but more than likely not. What is it about a birthday that makes you reflect? I will celebrate my 44th birthday on December 21st. I can't believe I am 44, I don't feel 44, 34 maybe but not really. Life has a way of ticking by very fast. This picture is of my very first birthday. I have had a life well lived. I have experienced difficulties and heartaches, but I have had a really wonderful life. I was born to a family who loved me and did the very best they could for me as a child. My parents are truly amazing people who have instilled strong beliefs in their children. They taught us that nothing is worth doing, if not done matter how small the task. I knew that my parents expected the best I had to give and I always tried to give that.

I married young and although my marriage ended in divorce, I would not change it. To do so would keep me from my precious children. They are by far the very best thing that came from the misery of that time in my life. Sometimes God allows us to grow through our circumstances, rather than taking us out of them. I think that although that part of my life was not the happiest it brought about the most growth.

Life after 40 has by far been my happiest. I have good friends, who give me joy by just being them! I have a love that far surpasses any I have ever known. I am happy; truly happy. I find great fulfillment in my job, but although I love what I is those I love who mean the most... who make the days wonderful, and each year an exciting time to be alive. This birthday I celebrate my life and all those who make it so much fun....God Bless you all.

The happiest time of my adult life has been in the last years. I have come to know myself better than ever and accept me flaws and all. I have met friends that have enricheded my life to its fullest. I am so very blessed

Saturday, December 17, 2005

For the Love of Family

I remember
becoming a Mother
what a joy it was
I looked at my precious
baby boy and thought nothing can bee more wonderful than this. Then along came my second child a daughter and again I said, "Nothing gets better than this".
and then not quite two years later child number three! Guess what? I felt exactly the same way. What is so very interesting to me is that these three children come from the same mother and father and are three completely unique individuals. All three are bright, beautiful children but each relates to me and to the world in completely different ways. They have blessed my life in many ways and I am truly thankful for them. My oldest is my Son, he is fiercely independent and has been that way since toddlerhood. My middle child is studious and so very caring. My youngest is bright and full of life. They each bring such a different but wonderful aspect to my life.

I loved being a mother, but a Grandmother is more wonderful than words. I love my grandchildren very much. They are so wonderful and give your life a renewed sense of purpose. I am so very grateful for the love of family.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My morning coffee

I love a good cup of coffee. I really like the taste of coffee, because I drink it bold and black. I would never dream of ruining a wonderful cup by loading it up with cream or even worse sugar! Each day I leave my house at 6:40 so that I can stop at the Starbucks up on the corner. I know exactly how long it will take to jump in the car, drive the mile or so up the road, park at the curb and run in, they know me there so I rarely have to order they see me and make me a cup right away.

I enter the store to be greeted by Sal, an elderly gentleman that spends his mornings sipping coffee, eating a huge sweet roll all the while saving the crumbs for the birds outside. Sal is the unofficial greeter. He has a warm smile, a quick "How ya doin this mornin" for each customer who enters. I don't believe my day would be complete if I did not see Sal each day!

Any way I fork over the $1.93 for the Venti, bold, black and drop the remaining 7 cents in the tip jar, then I am back in the car for the the short drive to the office. I arrive with a few minutes to spare and open up and sit down to enjoy that hot, steamy aromatic brew that helps me to start my day. Those who know me know it does not need to be morning for me to enjoy coffee, I will drink it any time of day. Although my morning coffee is my favorite.
Where's the Coffee?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Just words on paper

I was thinking earlier about the written word. I love to read and enjoy writing, although I am not very good. There is just something about words on paper that moves the soul. It can bring agonizing pain, overwhelming joy, sorrow and tears. When I sit and read a well written story it takes me to another place and time. Letters of love and poems of devotion they are so beautiful.

I have been a life long reader, I love novels and magazines, newspapers and for that matter cereal boxes. I love reading others blogs. I find that each writer has a unique perspective on life. They have a sense of humor that just brings me to tears, and unfortunately the occasional snort. When I find something I enjoy, I make the trip daily to their place just to read something that will make me say, "hum". I find new thoughts to contemplate and wonderful adventures to go on. Dramas that can make me cry.

I feel somehow connected to the writer through his writing. It is similar to how I feel when I read God's word, the Bible. It draws me to him, into a place of loving communion. Where I feel safe and secure and able to open my soul in sweet surrender. I believe it was Martin Luther that said, "The pen, is mightier than the sword". Empires have crumbled, hearts have been won and lost by the pen.
If I could pass on aThe full quote is 'Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword,' by Edward Bulwer Lytton (1805-1873).

If I could pass on any gift, it would be the love of reading to those I love.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I disappeared for a while...

I need a break and took off my blog for a few days. I am back but with a new perspective...:)
I hope you will check back in for a new post in a few days.