Saturday, December 17, 2005

For the Love of Family

I remember
becoming a Mother
what a joy it was
I looked at my precious
baby boy and thought nothing can bee more wonderful than this. Then along came my second child a daughter and again I said, "Nothing gets better than this".
and then not quite two years later child number three! Guess what? I felt exactly the same way. What is so very interesting to me is that these three children come from the same mother and father and are three completely unique individuals. All three are bright, beautiful children but each relates to me and to the world in completely different ways. They have blessed my life in many ways and I am truly thankful for them. My oldest is my Son, he is fiercely independent and has been that way since toddlerhood. My middle child is studious and so very caring. My youngest is bright and full of life. They each bring such a different but wonderful aspect to my life.

I loved being a mother, but a Grandmother is more wonderful than words. I love my grandchildren very much. They are so wonderful and give your life a renewed sense of purpose. I am so very grateful for the love of family.