Sunday, December 25, 2005


As with most families we have traditions. On Christmas Eve we attend the Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church and then off to Mom and Dad's for dinner and gift giving! I have done this for as long as I can remember. There have been a few years we lived too far to come home, but when possible we are there. Tonight was the same, yet different. My father is recuperating from hernia surgery and He and my Mom could not make the service at the church and He was not feeling up to par. In addition, my Son and his family did not attend, because the felt it was just too much to expect a three year old and twin 3 month olds to sit for 30 minutes.

We all did make it to Mom and Dad's for way too much food, Ethan fell asleep on the way there so he is not in the picture. Caitlin and Silvia were not thrilled to be in the family photo...but we did try. My Sister and her girls have added two new members to the family and next year Heather and Chris will have a new addition of their own. A little boy due in February.

I think it is wonderful; how families grow and expand. Some are by blood, born into our family; others come into our hearts but are family all the same. When I think of Christmas, it is the family gatherings that shine brightly in my mind. I guess I will just add the last of the pictures, those who know me well know I love pictures...

Jason, Rachael and Caitlin

Hey a smile, no funny face!!!!

My little butterballs, Caitlin and Silvia