Tuesday, January 30, 2007

cold winds~taxes

This is my least favorite time of year. I don't enjoy bitterly cold winds. We have had our share these last few days with temperatures plummeting into the low 30's. You say, "What?!", "Is she crazy?" OK I know that the 30's may not seem all that cold to some of you but I live in Florida because I like the warm balmy weather! I am a Florida girl, born and bred! I use the nickname Sunny because that is my favorite kind of day. These last few days have been bitter cold and very windy, a combination that can cause me to want to never poke my nose out of bed in the morning.

After the lousy weather, I detest this time of year because of tax season. Why is it that we live in such a technologically advanced country and yet we have such an archaic tax system? Oh, we can now eliminate the paperwork by going online to file, but we still need a degree in tax law to understand all the forms and loopholes and lets just say questionable deductions! Oh well I guess one day our government will see fit to work on issues that actually matter to many of us who voted them in office and that would be tax reform!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Georgia Life

Georgia Life

Growing Babies!

Time passes so quickly that you rarely notice its passage. However when you watch a baby grow you can actually see the passage of time. They change day by day, with first just thier eyes showing recognition then they start to become the little person they are to be. Just glimpses of the personality inside can be seen. This is our sweet Vanessa, now at 4 months old she is a joy!

It is the same for puppies, but at a much faster pace. Clay is now nearing 7 months old and he is 55 lbs of pure energy. He just had the dreaded experience of being "fixed" but he is still our sweet Clay. A happy, smart, energetic puppy that keeps things lively!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Joy, more than happiness.

There are times in life when we must depend on our joy, the inner light that carries us through difficult times. Would it not be perfect if our lives were forever happy? No storms, or sadness; times of lonliness or rejection?

If this were so how would we ever know when to enjoy the happy times? Would we see the contrast without those storms? When faced with difficulties one must look inward and take inventory of strengths and weaknesses. Are we someone worthy of "happiness"?

Life is filled with good and bad, we sometimes endure the bad so that we might enjoy the good. It is in these times I am grateful for the joy, and forever prayerful that the happiness comes again.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturday's and Sunday's

I have grown accustomed to spending my weekends with Philip. We enjoy relaxing drives, quiet conversations and just each others company. I have grown to love it over the last two years with the short drive up 95 to SSI; but all things change.

I am now adjusting to Philip's move to a new town and the end of our weekends together. I will be the first to admit I don't adjust well to change. I may have over compensated by filling as much of my weekend with activity as humanly possible. There are still bits of time that I am alone, and things are quiet and I find myself wishing for the short drive up 95 and the quiet of the Sea Palms Condominiums and Philip. Oh we talk, our phone minutes ticking away as we discuss the weather, work, family and how much we miss each other; but it is not the same. It is not that comfortable side by side on the couch as we watch the playoffs; or the strong hand holding mine as we drive around town just taking in the sights....

Oh we will see each other and we will find time in a new place, a new way of doing things, but it is forever different. I will miss the way Saturday's and Sunday's use to be, but most of all I miss Philip.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Philip C. Livingston turns 54!

Happy Birthday to a man who deserves the very best life has to offer.

Birthdays come but once a year.

A celebration of your beginning.

A time for reflection of what has past and

anticipation of what is to come!

May this be a day where the love and joy you share comes back ten fold.

Happy Birthday PCL

Love always


Friday, January 05, 2007

A Very Happy New Year Indeed!

Christmas was a beautiful celebration of family and Christ's birth. We all enjoyed it. This was a fun and relaxing vacation from school. I headed to west Florida, Christmas afternoon to enjoy time with Jason, Ashley and the children, as well as Philip. His new house is just a short distance from Eglin AFB.

I spent time exploring the Emerald Coast as they call it over there. I am so grateful for the time I spent with all. We celebrated New Years day in the traditional way, black eyed peas, collard greens and corn bread! The twins and Ethan opted for chicken strips and biscuits. I guess you have to grow into tradition.

I am home and enjoying Vanessa, who is suffering her first cold and brochititis. She is improving under the watchful eye of her mama. I am sure it will not be her last illness but surly it is her most traumatic. I am headed back to work on Monday and will enjoy seeing all the children at school. I am also ready to get back on track and loose all the extra lbs! UGH

This is to be a very exciting and Happy New year indeed!