Tuesday, January 30, 2007

cold winds~taxes

This is my least favorite time of year. I don't enjoy bitterly cold winds. We have had our share these last few days with temperatures plummeting into the low 30's. You say, "What?!", "Is she crazy?" OK I know that the 30's may not seem all that cold to some of you but I live in Florida because I like the warm balmy weather! I am a Florida girl, born and bred! I use the nickname Sunny because that is my favorite kind of day. These last few days have been bitter cold and very windy, a combination that can cause me to want to never poke my nose out of bed in the morning.

After the lousy weather, I detest this time of year because of tax season. Why is it that we live in such a technologically advanced country and yet we have such an archaic tax system? Oh, we can now eliminate the paperwork by going online to file, but we still need a degree in tax law to understand all the forms and loopholes and lets just say questionable deductions! Oh well I guess one day our government will see fit to work on issues that actually matter to many of us who voted them in office and that would be tax reform!!!