Thursday, September 28, 2006

The babies are growing and doing well!

Well being the type person who likes a little excitement, I have chosen to bring home an new puppy at the same time my daughter was to give birth to my fourth grandchild. It has been fun if not somewhat tiring.

Clay and I went for a walk in the park tonight and he did really well. He was greeted warmly by everyone we passed. What is it about a puppy that draws people in? I thought that Clay was a big puppy but we met a Great Dane puppy that was three months old named Abraham and he was almost double the size of Clay. Clay made it around the entire 2.3 mile circle and I was glad I had brought a bottle of water when we returned to the car. He has come so far and even a police helicopter landing in the park did not frighten him. However we did avoid several very large and rather aggressive looking dogs.

Vanessa is doing so well. She had her first trip to the pediatritian and had regained 8 of the 10 ozs she lost. She is such a good baby and Grace is a very good Momma.
What a blessing to our family. She is just beautiful...what can I say I am her Goody!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Vanessa Lynn is Here!!!

6lbs 14ozs 19 1/2 inches long born at 1:28 p.m.! Grace looks amazing after a c-section.
Goody and Vanessa

She has lots of hair!
Vanessa with her Daddy and Grandparents

Vanessa with her Great Grandparents

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A scheduled arrival!

Well our new baby is scheduled to arrive on September 21st at noon! Can't wait! Grace and Chris are ready too. Stay tuned for pictures of the new arrival!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Welcome Clay

We have a new member to our family! His name is Clay because he is the color of yellow clay; with just a touch of red on his back. We took quite a trip to get him. My soon to be son in law Chris has family that lives in Whitehouse just about 10 miles out I 10. We were there a few weeks ago for a baby shower for Grace and saw the most precious puppies. Rachael and I decided we would like to have one so after a week and a half of trying to work out the details we headed out to Whitehouse to meet our new puppy. Meghan; Chris's cousin said, "It will be a little drive out there about 15 minutes". After about a 45 minute drive to Lawtey Florida we arrived at a trailer with 6 of the most adorable puppies I have seen, 2 yellow and 4 black. The Yellow labs were both males and one was extremely large. His brother Clay was smaller and a little more docile. We spent about half an hour playing with all the puppies and watching them. Finally Rachael said she liked the same one I liked and we had our puppy. We had mauled over many names...Sandy (my favorite) Whiskey (Rachael's favorite) Beau but on the drive home Rachael said, "you know Mom he looks like yellow clay" I thought it fit and we named him Clay.

We went to the store on the way home and retrieved all the needed items and made it home after 9:30 p.m. We gave him a flea bath and some water and showed him his create. He walked right in and we gave him a pig's ear. He whined a minute but after I covered the top of the crate with a towel he did great! Rachael has set her alarm to get up with him in the middle of the night so that we can get started on housebreaking. I will take better pictures in the morning.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Family, if we are blessed we come from "good stock". We all have them parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, sons, daughters and other extended family. Our lives are either enriched or cursed by them. What is the importance of family and why did the Creator of the universe decide that we each needed to have one. Why not allow us to be born into a pack or herd or some other such group of humans. Why not just let us live independently, alone without the need for others.

I believe that God in his infinite wisdom knew that families were the very best places for people. Think about it, who else would love you if your family didn't? Who accepts us for who we are? I don't know about you but my girls are the only ones who would tell me not to wear something cause it makes me look fat! They love me enough to be honest.

Families are places we are born, places we are adopted or places where our common desires and beliefs bind us together. I have a church family. They are people who care for me unconditionally and will help me in any situation. I have friends who are as close as family. If I ever needed them, no matter what time of day they would be there. Family are people who you would lay down your life for. They are the people we love and who love us even on the bad days.

Several years ago I was watching one of those reality shows Fear Factor and it was one where the contestants were couples. Four couples to be exact, two were married and the other two were in committed relationships. They were given a task the female partner was placed in a cage and the door had a lock; they were then lowered into a tank of water where the male partner had to jump in the tank and retrieve a series of keys and attempt to unlock the tank to free their loved one. Of the four couples two continued the task until finished and "rescued" their mate. The other two gave up and swam for air. Wondering which ones stayed to the end? The married ones, they were the ones who were willing to commit to love, honor and protect. I don't know if the other two couples went on to marriage, it would be interesting to know.

My point is families give us a purpose and a place to feel connected. They are people we can depend on and who can depend on us. God knew what he was doing when he created families. After all it was the first institution, even before the church.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Today's the day we celebrate sweet Silvia and little Cait!

With wishes made, we did enjoy the frosting on our cupcakes!

Big brother Ethan, sat amazed at his little sister's and their messy ways!

Friends came from far, Tyler from Texas and near, Zander from westside, to enjoy the festivities!

Caitlyn was not amused by her sister's new shirt! The shame of blame! Although Mom (Ashley) and her sister Jessica enjoyed it.