Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A happy life

As I think of my youngest child getting married and beginning a family I think of all the things in life I would like her to know. First of all, I want her to know that a happy life depends on attitude. We choose to be happy and some days it is easy and other days we must work at it.

Always treat your spouse with kind of love and respect you would like to be treated with. Do the little things, a foot massage, a love note, a special meal and always take time to say I love you. Remember when you have a disagreement (and you will) don't go to bed angry. In life things change in the blink of an eye and you don't want your last words to be ones of anger.

Listen first, work hard to make yourself understood and if for some reason you don't succeed....try again. Winning an argument or getting the last word is NEVER important; maintaining a loving marriage is.

As parents you are a team. You are to support each other; never contradict the other one and especially in front of your children. Learn to have fun as a family; but take time to be a couple.

A happy life, has a strong foundation in faith. Read your bible together and pray together; pray for each other and remember your marriage is a covenant made before God and man. In this world we will have heartaches, but with God's blessing we have the strength of character to withstand even the most difficult of circumstances.

Monday, April 24, 2006

A bright future

This is a picture taken at Rachael's birthday party of both of my daughters and my future son in law, Chris. Grace and Chris are planning a late November, early December wedding and I am praying for a bright future for them both.

Here are Philip and I enjoying Rachael's birthday. I enjoy so much being with all my loved ones and this was a rare, but enjoyable day with them all! I think that we too have a bright future.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

To my middle child; Happy 21st birthday Rachael!

Rachael is the one with the smile. She came into the world in a rush after only an hour of labor and me barely arriving at the hospital to give birth. She has grown into a thoughtful, intelligent young woman, whom never ceases to amaze me with her zest for life. My wish for her is to live a fulfilled and joyous life. Happy Birthday Rachael.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life as a door mat

Lately life keeps coming faster than I can keep up with and I feel like I am hanging on for dear life. Today was one of those days where I wish I could step out of my life and find a completely new one. I love my job...but occassionally things come up that cause a great deal of stress and frustration.

I am tired. Tired of conflict and confrontation. Tired of talking folks, who know little of which they speak. I am tired of the frustration of wanting someone to think and feel as I do. But mostly I am tired of being me.

That might sound like a pity party and possibly so, but it is how I am feeling and I refuse to deny it. I am one of those people who believe you should always think of others first; but the sad fact is that when you do that...rarely do others do the same for you. I feel foolish and somewhat naive. That old cliche "nice guys finish last" seems so true. I wonder how one becomes a strong assertive person without being self centered and mean? I no longer wish to be a door mat, but I can't seem to get up and walk away.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter with the Grandbunnies!

Easter with Ethan, Caitlin and Silvia in new house in FWB, Florida!

Jason with the twins and Ethan.


How much of my life is ruled by fear? I care greatly what others think of me, I am a people pleaser. Which leads to a great deal of insecurity on my part. Sometimes I do nothing for fear of doing the wrong thing and appear apathetic to those who look to me for leadership. Sometimes I do to much because I want those around me to be comfortable and happy, even if it means I am not. I am obviously aware of my shortcomings but yet find no solution to this inadaquacy. I ask myself; "Are we to overcome our shortcomings or learn to survive in them?" I wish I knew.

I am still reading my book Captivating and finding so much to think through, I find glimpses of myself within its pages. I continue to find life's journey an exciting place and look forward to each new day.