Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A happy life

As I think of my youngest child getting married and beginning a family I think of all the things in life I would like her to know. First of all, I want her to know that a happy life depends on attitude. We choose to be happy and some days it is easy and other days we must work at it.

Always treat your spouse with kind of love and respect you would like to be treated with. Do the little things, a foot massage, a love note, a special meal and always take time to say I love you. Remember when you have a disagreement (and you will) don't go to bed angry. In life things change in the blink of an eye and you don't want your last words to be ones of anger.

Listen first, work hard to make yourself understood and if for some reason you don't succeed....try again. Winning an argument or getting the last word is NEVER important; maintaining a loving marriage is.

As parents you are a team. You are to support each other; never contradict the other one and especially in front of your children. Learn to have fun as a family; but take time to be a couple.

A happy life, has a strong foundation in faith. Read your bible together and pray together; pray for each other and remember your marriage is a covenant made before God and man. In this world we will have heartaches, but with God's blessing we have the strength of character to withstand even the most difficult of circumstances.