Friday, December 28, 2007

A New Chapter

Well sometimes life moves along with nothing spectacular or even different coming in. Then there are times when everything seems to change all at once. I have experienced these times before in my life and to be honest I have not always handled them well. I become moody and weepy. However; this time I feel a bit more prepared for the changes ahead.

I will experience the empty nest, and being a newly wed this is not necessarily a bad thing. Philip and I love our family but look forward to some alone time. I would normally feel a little guilty saying that but now I think my children, each being with the love of their life understand the need for couple time. My oldest left long ago and he spent his first Christmas at home with just his wife and children, and I understood their need for this. My youngest has not been out long but she to has seen the need for time with her little family. Rachael my middle child has been home the longest. She has become a dear friend in her adult years and we being single women developed a bond.

She has graduated college and found her soul mate and will move to Nebraska this week. Rachael will learn so much about herself these next few months and Justin. They will return to Florida in May to be married. I am happy for her and although we all will miss her; we wish her well and will lift her in prayer. Yes, this is a new chapter for us all.