Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fresh Paint

Well since Philip moved in two weeks ago, we have worked very hard to combine two homes into one. My home had plenty of junk and even though I try to keep from collecting unneeded items, I had my fair share. Philip too has a great many things and we really want to make an effort to have my home become "OUR" home.

Rachael is on a two week break, before she finishes her B.A. in Biology at UNF. She decided that we need to fix our guest room and turn it into the "Livingston Suite". She has removed old wallpaper, patched holes, painted and then today she enlisted Philip and I to help with moving in furniture. We worked very hard and I think Philip was right when he said, "This is the prettiest room in the house!" I agree.

In has only been two weeks since Philip moved in, but we have accomplished so much in this short time. I am so very happy to have him here. It is a blessing and really so much better than I ever imagined. I love my husband and as we sit here on the couch watching TV, I smell fresh paint.