Friday, August 24, 2007

Early Riser

Most days I am like most people, waking at sunrise and starting my day. However, there are days where I wake when it is dark as night and lay in my bed tossing and turning wondering why I have been cursed an early riser. Oh sure there is a lot to be said about starting your day before 5 a.m., but most of it not positive. The worst part is now married I run the risk of waking my sweet husband. So out of bed I crawl making my way to the main room of the house and collecting my laptop and a nice warm blanket. I am very grateful for both right now.

I know that if I did not have this to do I would be forced to climb on the treadmill across the room and actually exercise like I have be saying I would do for nearly the year it has been there. Lest you think it is never used I do occasionally walk in the evenings and Rachael is a regular jogger. On this day, I am content to sit here and reflect on my week, as today is finally Friday.

Each year as school reopens, I find the whirlwind exhausting. We are a small school, but with only two of us on the administrative side and a growing staff and student body I spend a full nine hours a day trying to accomplish all that needs done. I then find myself committed to a plethora of other activities each week; PTP meetings, committee meetings for church, small group bible studies. This list goes on.

Our church is in a 40 days of community campaign and we have many things going on. It is a drive to help the church members to leave the building and minister to those in the community. I was at my dear friends home last evening, John and Pam for the first of six meetings designed to lead us as a group to pick a mission project outside in the community and last nights study was on Love. It focused on all the things in life we might think are important; the things we say, know, believe, give or accomplish that really mean very little with out Love. We also learned that Love is a command. We are commanded to love one another. It is also a choice; not a feeling. It leads to feelings, but we choose to love and when we love it is unconditionally. We also saw that love is conduct that we can say we love, but if we never demonstrate that love, those we claim to love will begin to doubt what we say. Finally, love is a commitment, sometimes we love in spite of how we feel and loving someone and liking someone is not always hand in hand.

Well I guess I have typed my way back to tired. I think I will crawl back into bed for an hour and see if I can sleep. Good night............