Thursday, June 07, 2007

Romantic at heart

Well we have finally done it. Philip and I will be married in the not too distant future. We have tentatively set the date for July 7, 2007. We want our families to come and unfortunately it seems that may not be possible. Philip asked what I wanted in the wedding ceremony and I had some idea but it made me really think about what I want. First I want it to be simple, but elegant. Casual not snooty, although I will wear a "wedding dress". I want to carry flowers and some music playing is Philip's expertise. I want to have unique vows and I wanted us to exchange rings as a symbol of our unending love for one another. Philip loves me...but does NOT wear jewelry; any jewelry and he really would not want to wear a ring. I understand and even though it is important to me, I will not insist he wear one. However the exchange of rings is something I hope will be in the ceremony. I want our families there and some sort of reception afterward with a tarimasu cake and a champagne toast. Afterward Philip and I will depart on our honeymoon.
I guess I am more of a traditionalist than I thought and although I would marry Philip anywhere, anytime if I had my wishes; this would be my fairytale.