Saturday, March 03, 2007


Time passes so quickly. The minutes turn into hours and the hours days, days into weeks and the weeks become a year. I sometimes feel as though I have closed my eyes as a child and woke up a middle aged woman with nothing to show for this life. Oh I know I have accomplished things, but nothing huge or memorable or life changing. I wake each morning with a sense of anticipation the hope of a new day just to realize this day will be much like the one before. Before I know it I shall be an old woman reminiscing about the good ole days and wondering where they have gone.

Today I found myself wondering if my Grandmother Baker had the same thoughts and feelings I do. She was our "cool" Grandma. She bought us bikini's and played jokes on our cousins and just made life fun. She had a purple Gremlin, and loved the beach, thrift stores, and adventures. She never said, "I don't think that's a good idea", she'd say,"That sounds like fun, want to give it a go?". I am myself a Grandma, although I am "Goody" to them. It does not have the aire of old, I hope it says I am the "cool" Grandma. That would be great!

Anyway, time can either be your friend or your worst enemy. It passes without our permission or acknowledgment. We find ourselves watching it slip away through opportunities missed and children grown. I am praying I will still accomplish much in this life. I have a few more good years in this old girl yet. Enjoy today for tomorrow is a thought of what is to come and yesterday is just a memory.