Sunday, February 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

Today has been one of those days that I wish would be finished, yet hope will pass slowly. That is to say, I am tired but have enjoyed my day. I am finding that I overfill the weekends now. I wake by 7:30 and begin with the many things one can do in a weekend; such as going to the gym, yard work, house work, laundry, grocery shopping. Those are the drudgery, there is also the fun stuff like coffee with my folks, or dinner and movie with my daughter, taking my dog for a long walk at the park, brunch to celebrate my parents 49th wedding anniversary with our family or going to church and visiting with friends. These are all things that fill my time and I truly enjoy.

Life seems so very busy and that can be a really good thing. I don't have much time to feel sorry for myself, I focus on the positive. Life sometimes goes in unexpected directions and I think I allowed those unexpected events to bring me down. I finally realize that life is happening everyday, I am not waiting for it to begin on a certin date or when I am able to have things a particular way. This is my life and I plan to live it every single day.