Sunday, February 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

Today has been one of those days that I wish would be finished, yet hope will pass slowly. That is to say, I am tired but have enjoyed my day. I am finding that I overfill the weekends now. I wake by 7:30 and begin with the many things one can do in a weekend; such as going to the gym, yard work, house work, laundry, grocery shopping. Those are the drudgery, there is also the fun stuff like coffee with my folks, or dinner and movie with my daughter, taking my dog for a long walk at the park, brunch to celebrate my parents 49th wedding anniversary with our family or going to church and visiting with friends. These are all things that fill my time and I truly enjoy.

Life seems so very busy and that can be a really good thing. I don't have much time to feel sorry for myself, I focus on the positive. Life sometimes goes in unexpected directions and I think I allowed those unexpected events to bring me down. I finally realize that life is happening everyday, I am not waiting for it to begin on a certin date or when I am able to have things a particular way. This is my life and I plan to live it every single day.

Happy Anniversary

Today, my parents achieve something that I never will; 49 years of marriage. They married at a young age and although I have been around for 45 of those years I still don't know the secret. They are truly happily married. They look at each other with adoring eyes, smile with looks that say I know what your thinking and treat each other with such care and concern that it makes all envy them.

I don't know many people that can say their parents are still happily married after 49 years, married yes; but happily would be optional. I am so very happy for them and wish them a wonderful anniversary.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday

Well after a much loved long weekend with Philip and My son, Jason and family I have been educated somewhat on Mardi Gras. I now know that Mardi Gras translates from the french to the english Fat Tuesday. It is the feast before the fast and supposedly is the last indulgence prior to lent. I would have to say from what I can see it is an overindulgence. I also hear that many believe it has its beginnings in the ancient Greek and Roman orgies.

All I know is that there are many parades, beads and outrageous behaviors. Philip has actually been to Mardi Gras in Mobile and says the parades are really great. My experience is with watching them on the local channel out of Mobile and I don't think I would enjoy the crowds.
The flip side of the craziness is the calmness of being with those I love. Philip and I enjoyed a drive from Milton over the Garcon bridge to Gulf Breeze and into Pensacola back through Pace and home. It was a nice drive, although very windy but just time with those you love is a wonderful thing. I was privileged to see Ethan and his class at school. He is adjusting and doing well, however as the Director of a private school, I know that children do much better when parents and grandparents give them some independence, however as a grandmother, I just needed to see for myself he was in a good place and doing well.
Well I will have to wait for the next break to see my beloved Philip and spend time with JE, Ashley and the grandbabies. However this weekend will warm my heart until we meet again.

Monday, February 12, 2007

My little Valentine

What could be sweeter than this little beauty! She is a Valentine to all who know her!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hand in Hand

I walked along the road of life
so happy and carefree.
I smiled at all who passed me
I'm full of joy you see !

I walked along this road alone
for many years did pass.
One day out on a wind blown pier
I met a friend at last.

He joined me on the road of life,
we walked together hand in hand.
The journey seems so easy now
as if it all were planned.

Time did pass days, weeks; now years
and still our travels meet.
No longer on the same road, but
separate ones indeed.

The love we share now is the bond
the distance does not dispair.
Our hearts, our souls we rest upon

Eternal love we share.

We wait and watch for days to come

when two no more, we shall be one.