Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Suffrage (from the Latin suffragium, meaning "vote") is the civil right to vote, or the exercise of that right.

Main Entry: 1vote
Pronunciation: 'vOt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Latin votum vow, wish -- more at VOW
1 a : a usually formal expression of opinion or will in response to a proposed decision; especially : one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, motion, or candidate for office b : the total number of such expressions of opinion made known at a single time (as at an election) c : an expression of opinion or preference that resembles a vote d : BALLOT 1
2 : the collective opinion or verdict of a body of persons expressed by voting
3 : the right to cast a vote; specifically : the right of suffrage : FRANCHISE
4 a : the act or process of voting b : a method of voting
5 : a formal expression of a wish, will, or choice voted by a meeting
6 a : VOTER b : a group of voters with some common and identifying characteristics
7 chiefly British a : a proposition to be voted on; especially : a legislative money item b : APPROPRIATION

We must vote, too many have laid down their lives for your right to VOTE!

Today is Election Day! GO VOTE!....OH AND IF YOU DON'T...It is my strong opinion you forfeit your right to complain about elected officials.