Sunday, November 05, 2006

Character, disappearing in the USA

Character is one of those things losing popularity in our society. We no longer believe that how we live matters. Just turn on the TV or read the headlines in the paper and you will find that we are in fact mere men and women who can fall fast from the facade we put on to those around us. I would like to point out that the statement I have heard all my life is acutely accurate right now, "but by the grace of God, there go I". Each one of us has things in our lives that we would not want broadcast on the local news. I was studying some literature from my life group today and they had an excellent little article on the six pillars of character.
*Trustworthiness -be honest and reliable; do what you say you'll do.
*Respect - follow the Golden Rule; use good manners, not bad language
*Responsibility - do what you are supposed to do; do your best
*Fairness - play by the rules; share; listen to others
*Caring - be kind and compassionate; help others
*citizenship - cooperate; be a good neighbor; obey laws and rules; respect authority

Sounds just like the lessons my Mom and Dad taught me growing up, but it bares repeating.