Monday, August 28, 2006

Sharing Life

A distant love is what we have,
Will it always be?

Two who wish to be as one
Is that our destiny?

A second chance at love and life
Could we really hope?

Moments snatched from busy days
Is that what life's about?

Can there be a future?
Where happiness abounds?

Or will we find the years go by
and no one is around.

Longings of a lady in love

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

If I had wings....

If I had wings, I would fly
to places far beyond.

Away from turmoil's, cares and strife
to peaceful, quiet, calm.

And there I'd find a perfect place
to live and laugh and be.

With those I love and care for
to have them there with me.

We'd spend our days in carefree ways
to walk, to play, to rest.

I'd leave behind the world I find
for wings you know are best.

For PCL, Let's fly! ILY

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Heart

As I sit to write this I hear the word HONESTY ringing in my head. I have always valued honesty. I have always felt I am an honest person and expect others to be honest with me. I guess that is why I appreciate it when someone comes directly to me to discuss differences, or just ask for honest answers.

Recently that happened, a dear friend who has known me for a great many years asked me to come and talk. I was apprehensive when I sat down, but within a few short minutes I was feeling better. We talked about years past; the struggles we had been through. The encouragement each have given to the other over the years. We spoke of feelings of loss and abandonment, of learning how to protect ones self by keeping others at a distance. It was a time of clarity and also the reopening of painful memories. It always amazes me how much of our lives is shared with others, especially good friends.

I was reminded today of what it is to be responsible to others, not just ones self. What it is to feel called to a purpose and how one can lose sight of that. I struggled to explain my decisions. I know what I feel, I know to whom I have given my heart and I must now reconcile my life with that choice.

I will always struggle to do what is right, and follow my heart.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Sometimes it seems as though I have been waiting for this day for a very long time, in reality it has only been a short time. However the anticipation was short lived. I looked to this day as one with answers; one that would finally settle my mind and tell me what the future would hold. It did not.

Oh it was by far not a bad day, but still one without answers. You see yesterday was the end of an era and today was to be the beginning. Philip would finally know where he would go. He does have a sort of understanding if you will, but can't begin to make any plans as of yet. He did receive answers to many of his questions concerning his position with the new company, however we still do not know if he will be working out of my hometown. Well so much for anticipation and all that one hopes for.

I think if I was not experiencing my own work overload I would be much more stressed than I am. I have climbed on the back to school rollercoaster and I am now just holding on for dear life. We are up and running on a fast pace to have everything ready for the first day of school. We know that things will come together, they always do, but it is an exhausting experience. Anyway I feel somewhat deflated, but somehow I will continue to just play the game of wait and see. Until tomorrow.