Tuesday, March 07, 2006


We all have them, friends. Some are life long, some are new. We all meet people that make our life fun, enhanced, just more enjoyable. Throughout my lifetime I have had many. Some I have had nearly as long as I have been alive....Some I barely met, but they have impacted who I am for the rest of my life.

We live in a transitory world, one in which people come and go at a pace too fast to keep track of. I am finding I am a rare bird, one who has spent her life in one place. I never intended it that way, my parents chose where I would be born and grow up, but none the less it is so. Now that is not to say I have not lived anywhere else, a brief move in my mid twenties to Maryland, but by and large I am a northeast Florida girl.

I have good friends whom have come and stayed briefly, living here 5, even 10 years and moving on to other parts of this great nation of ours. Some have gone away just to return again, sweet reunions, but things have changed considerably. Some have moved so far away that the only way we keep in touch is through email and phone calls. Still others, were not but a name and face on the computer they too are dear.

Why do we need to connect with other and spend time living life together, laughing, crying and impacting the quality of life for each other. Some people strive for money, fame, the next rung on the ladder up. I strive for for the next friend, the next person to whom I can make a difference in their life and they in mine. Life is wonderful that way. Everyone reaching out and and touching those around them.

My heart has been heavy lately for fear of losing my closest friend to yet another move. I have promises that all will be well, but still the fear is there. It hangs like a heavy cloak on my heart. I wonder if again I will be left behind to wonder how things are, if it is well with them. Ok, I know roads can be traveled and planes fly daily out of this very large city, but I do not want to be left behind yet again. I guess the song that says "Friends are Friends forever" is true but I don't want another long distance friend.