Sunday, January 29, 2006


Life has a way of moving forward. A new day comes as an old one passes away. We measure time with the passing of events. I often wonder, "Why am I here?" What purpose do I serve? I came into the world on December 21, 1961 as the third child to young parents. I did not chose to come, but am very blessed that I came and to whom I came.

I grew up in what would probably be considered a low income family. My father was the bread winner, my mother would stay at home until I entered 7th grade. We were happy. I lived in the same house from the time I was one year old until the age of 16. We knew our neighbors and they knew us. I grew up in the day that if you misbehaved, some other mother would reprimand you immediately and call your mother to insure she was aware of your transgressions. I had the same best friends from my toddler days until now really, although we don't see each other often I still keep in touch with Pam and Paula, fraternal twins who spent many a summer day, playing 45's on the record player and telling secrets. Life was simple then. We did not have air conditioning in our home, our car or our school, so you did not stay indoors and cook. We spent our days outside running, playing, and swimming in the lake.

I was not a great student in school, I started first grade at age 5 and graduated shortly after my 17th birthday. I was a B, C student. I was more of the social butterfly, enjoying friends and parties and dances. I can never remember a discussion of college in my household. I don't think it ever crossed my mind that I would or could go to college. I knew I would be expected to continue working, I began at the age of 15 and loved the income. However I was expected to purchase all my own clothes, buy my own car and pay for all my entertainment desires. Graduation came and I had already met the man whom I would marry. He was four years my senior and was a sailor, romantic or so I thought. I now realize I was much too young to have married but at the time I was in love.

Marriage was what I felt I was suppose to do. I think even my ex husband would say I was a good wife, and a good mother. I found my purpose in caring for my family. I am one of those people who truly enjoy making a home. I like to cook, I even like to clean and keep things in a comfortable way. Motherhood brought me the most joy. If you have read my blog long you know I LOVE MY CHILDREN. They have brought me my greatest joys and my deepest sorrows. The are truly unique individuals who have minds of their own and I am proud to be their mother. I hope always they are proud to have me for a mother.

The work I do came out of my love of children. I was a stay at home mom for many years, but I wanted to contribute to our families financial needs so I kept children in my home. It was not a huge money maker however it allowed us to go out to dinner and purchase special things on occasion. When I moved back to Florida from Maryland in 1991, I found a job as a preschool teacher. I loved it! I enjoyed seeing children grow and learn. I found joy in the teaching a child a fingerplay or seeing a four year old write his or her name for the first time. Teaching for me was a purpose. When it became obvious that my marriage would end, I needed something that would support me and my three children so I moved into an administrative Position. I became the director of a preschool, which has now become a primary school of which I would now be principal. My purpose in life is to provide a place, weather in my home, or at my school for children to learn and grow in an atmosphere of love and respect. I have expectations of children, I demand respect, but give it back in equal share.

I know my life has a purpose beyond that of my profession and my children; even my grandchildren. My life has purpose through my faith in Christ. My life has purpose in my love of Philip. In the love of my family and my friends. I have been given a gift, it is a life and at the end I want to hear, "You have lived it well, my good and faithful servant."