Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Green Thumb

Well I knew when we met and fell in love that one day we would find a major difference between the two of us and now I know what it is. Philip, a green thumb has married the girl with the black thumb. My own mother has threatened to buy me a Shirt that says, 'I tried, but it died'. My children have all shared the story about the poor Christmas cactus in my kitchen that shriveled up and died for lack of water!
Philip has spent his weekend working on my much neglected yard. Oh, I mowed it fairly regularly but that is all. No trimming or pruning. I would have never planted new, beautiful growing plants; no matter what some say I do have a heart. Anyway, I went to Lowe's with Philip on Saturday watching as he walked up and down the isles looking and turning and reading those little plastic sticks that tell you IMPORTANT information on the plant. He would then pick the hardiest of the group and move on. I was amazed how he knew so much about plants. Then on home where he began working even though we both were suffering a stiff back from all the moving we had done on Friday. (Still living in two towns) He dug, He planted, He staked. He re potted and spent hours watching where the sun was during the day to make sure the plants were in their best spots. I watched and smiled as I knew he was enjoying having a yard to play in. I also found happiness in knowing that sometimes God fills a need in our lives that even we were not aware needed filled. I Love You Philip and I thank God for your green thumb!