Sunday, March 11, 2007

Future Plans

Lately I have been focusing on future plans and trying to make some. To most I think it would not be a difficult task, but to me it is next to impossible. Philip and I seem to be facing one Challenge after another and it causes me stress. I know that it causes him stress as well, but we handle things very differently.

My life is filled with many things. I work at a job that I have had for nearly 10 years, live in a house I had built over 15 years ago. I have an extended family and friends I have known for 20+ years. I think you would say I am a stable if not rather boring individual. I find security in planning and executing those plans.

Philip boosts his ability to be free and clear in a few days notice. His profession is fluid and although he has done essentially the same job for many years, he has moved from company to company for various reasons. His list of cities lived in reads like an tour of southern cities and towns. He thrives on living for today, and not worrying about tomorrow.

I think that is why we are such a good match because we balance each other in many ways. It is when things begin to change that I lose composure and become a fearful stressed out mess. Philip gets a light in his eyes and looks to the change as a challenge and a possibility of something better. I think that one day, we will be able to make life a more serene and peaceful place for the other, but right now future plans are not as much a reality as just seeing what tomorrow holds and looking for the possibilities.

I think there is a lesson to be learned by both. I must learn that taking each day alone can release stress, allowing me to experience more in life. Philip must learn that stability allows roots to grow deep and those roots hold us steady in storms. Oh! The sunrise at the top of this blog is a reminder that every day is new and has its own set of possibilities! Also that on June 16th at sunrise, our lives will begin anew!