Sunday, December 17, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Well after a grueling day of loading the entire contents; well nearly the entire contents of Philips condo and then a six hour drive to the new home and then unloading the truck and trailer; Philip is finally home. I think the most amazing part is what took Philip and I many hours to complete only took my sweet son and daughter and my sons friend only an hour and half to complete. YOU ARE AMAZING PEOPLE! Thank you so much for all you did to help!

Moving must be the most physically and emotionally difficult thing a person can do. Then add in a new job and it just increases the stress. However, Philip was fortunate enough to find a lovely home and so life has opened a new door for him and hopefully life will be good in his new home sweet home.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I knew this day was coming, but I don't know if I am prepared. Philip is leaving the island after a two year stint. He will finally reside in the same state I do; however our cities will be about 5 or so hours apart.

I feel excitement for him and as much as I know that he is ready to move on with things I am happy for him. I however do not handle change well, this may end up extremely well, but in my mind it is unknown so therefore, SCARY!

No matter the state of my emotions, or the stress of the next few days, I wish you well sweet PCL. SUCCESS in all you do, and Fair winds and soft breezes.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Family life and love

"I do" was heard by family and friends yesterday as Grace and Chris tied the knot. I must say that the wedding was just beautiful. We enjoyed a wonderfully spiritual ceremony at the WGV near St. Augustine Florida. Then a elegant dinner for the 76 guest in attendance.

Grace looked as though she stepped out of one of those Brides magazines, and her sister was gorgeous as Maid of honor. I had tears as her brother walked her down the isle in his dress uniform.

Ashley and children were just adorable as brides maid, ring bearer and flower girls.

I think that a wonderful time was had by all, including my sweetheart, Philip.

He is not one to enjoy these things but he came and gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised by how much he enjoyed it. I Love you, Philip and appreciated your stepping outside your comfort zone for me, your the BEST! I was so grateful to all our family and friends who came to participate in this joyous occasion. I think by far Lori and Shayne, Sharena and Amos get the award for determination, they drove 22 hours from Grand Island Nebraska arriving on Friday just to turn around immediately following the ceremony to drive back, Our Love and Thanks to you all!

My heart was filled with such joy and happiness, I am by far the most blessed of women.