Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Fourth of July

What is it about the fouth of July that just brings out the kid in us? I love it; it is by far my favorite holiday aside from Christmas. As a child it meant we were out of school, usually camping or visiting my Grandma in Texas. It meant cookouts and watermelon. Picnics with family and friends, games of volleyball, or horseshoes. Swimming at the beach, or pool, or lake or even just a run through the sprinkler. The festivities come in all shapes and sizes, but provides fun for all.

I love the fireworks. The excitement as you jump from the boom as it resounds off the tall downtown buildings. The colors that light the night sky. I love to hear the oooohs and aaaaaaahs of the crowd as each new pyrotechnic display explodes overhead.
This may sound crazy but even the smell of sulfur is ok on the fourth; it seems to hang in the night air long after the display ends. I am sure that some find it silly for a grown woman to find the fourth a favorite holiday, but I don't intend to let that dampen my enthusiasm. God Bless America! and Happy Fourth!