Monday, November 24, 2008

Big Brother

Most people fear "Big Brother", I on the other hand love him. I am the youngest of three children and I have both an older sister and brother. We are stair step children born slightly over a year apart. We grew up fairly close. We had our bouts of disagreements, but we were family and that always kept us close. My brother left home for the Air Force back in 1979. He never really came back other than that the occasional visit, but we kept in touch through phone calls and emails and his occasional visits.

Allen was a very tall, extremely handsome fella, he never had to worry about school he was also very gifted in the academics. He had a flair for the creative, played trumpet and could draw beautifully. My brother could do pretty much anything in my eyes. A real hero to look up to.

He was also a smoker. He started way back in high school and never was able to give it up. He knew it was bad for him and I am sure he tried on several occasions to give it up, but to no avail. In mid October he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was a grim diagnosis; already spreading to his liver. We all cried buckets of tears and although we knew the prognosis was not good, we prayed for a miracle.

The miracle was not to be, my sweet brother, passed from this life to the next last night. He is a believer in Jesus Christ and so in our faith we know that he is walking with those who have gone before him. We have hope that when we too pass on from this life we will see him again. It is still painfully sad. We know his young children will grow up without him. His youngest, just turned 7 years of age November 8th, will he remember what a wonderful man his Dad was? We were blessed to have spent many years with him and our memories will go on forever. I know time heals and our grief will become easier; but for now we grieve a big brother.